Indiana History Time Line
Discover Indiana’s history as it unfolds from pre-history until the beginning of the American experiment. The Indiana History Time Line Series presents the unfolding saga of Indiana’s fascinating history in an easy to follow time line. Readers will learn both famous and forgotten, obscure events in Indiana’s story.
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The 1795 Treaty of Greenville opened up most of the lands in the future state of Ohio to settlement, forcing the native tribes further west. The treaty line also opened up a small area in what would become the southeast corner of Indiana. In the years after the signing of the treaty the population of the Northwest Territory grew as the future state of Ohio neared birth.

Discover Indiana's history as it unfolds from pre-history until the beginning of the American experiment. Indiana's Timeless Tales - Pre-History to 1781 presents the unfolding saga of Indiana's fascinating history in an easy to follow time line. Readers will learn both famous and forgotten, obscure events in Indiana's story.
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Indiana’s Timeless Tales - 1782 - 1791
Explore Indiana’s early history using this journal of history stories from the beginning days of the Northwest Territory. Indiana’s Timeless Tales - 1782 - 1791 is a time line of events that shaped Indiana today. Many of the stories are little known and obscure historical tales.
Explore Indiana’s early history using this journal of history stories from the beginning days of the Northwest Territory. A Timeline of Indiana History - 1792 - 1794 relates the time line of events that occurred between St. Clair's Defeat to, and including the Battles of Fort Recovery and Fallen Timbers. Many of these stories of the Northwest Indian War are little known and obscure historical tales that the reader will enjoy learning.
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Soon to be released
A Timeline of Indiana History - 1795 - 1800
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Indiana Timeless Tales Box Set - All Three Volumes
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